Case Studies

Cultivating a $30M Pipeline for Our Fleet Industry Client

Written by Amy Kohl | Jan 18, 2024 2:28:58 PM

Our client with a tight-knit team in the fleet industry, achieved a remarkable milestone with our support - here's the playbook of how we enabled our client in the Fleet Industry to generate a $30M in pipeline in 2023.

We helped a lean team of 3 closers who needed help prospecting 22K prospects that fit their ICP!

More At-bats for the Sales Team: This client booked 172 new business meetings all year. 52 of those were booked by AK Ops since August 2023 (when we kicked off)!

Quick Conversions: Meeting responses in the inbox come in after 6.5 automated touches (typically 4 sales emails and 2.5 marketing newsletter engagements - we're always serving relevant industry content while we're prospecting)

As their sudo-SDR team: We have to follow up an average of 2.5 times per meeting booked to book a meeting and answers to the qualifying questions (thoughtfulness and diligence is key)

BTW: We field ~500 responses and data cleanups a month in the inboxes - the content resonating and dispositions are key to keep these senders healthy and hit the inboxes

FYI: The highest converting persona is their top persona Fleet Managers, making up for 40% of the pipeline

Best News: 90% of them converted to Qualified Opportunities in the Pipeline (that's $30M in pipeline value for their reps!)

We have Confident Projections from 2024:

  • Now we scale up: We anticipate our ramp plans to maintain top funnel conversions in 2024, resulting in 71 meetings ($12.6M in pipeline) in Q1 and 77 meetings ($13.7 in pipeline) in Q2 by specializing our messaging, adding additional coverage and activating all 20,000 contacts in our ICP.
  • Additional Lever: Rep Enablement channel is expected to double after the rollout of the Prospecting Dashboard in January - this is more encompassing than Power Hours by sending a consistent trickle of scored leads that fit Target Account Fuel to the assigned/owned rep’s Prospecting Dashboard.

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